Paper Review Activities

Journal Reviews

Order No. Journal Name Role Ref. Rank Period Impact Factor Area
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Title: "Enhanced Prediction of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury Using Advanced Machine Learning Techniques"
Invitation from Editor: Dr. Hui Yang
Reviewer Ref.: JBHI-02923-2024 Q1 2024 7.021 Healthcare AI
npj Digital Medicine, Nature
Title: A Scoping Review of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Risk Assessment for Clinical Trials: from Traditional Machine Learning to Large Language Models
Invitation from Editor:Dr Pryss
Reviewer Ref.:e21c33bd-a3a3-434c-9034-b867afb6cc65 Q1 2024 15.357 AI in Health
Journal of Clinical Immunology
Title: Determining the Presence of Inborn Errors of Immunity through Machine Learning: An Alternative Model to JMF Criteria
Invitation from Editor:Dr Bonagura
Reviewer Ref.:b48944df-efcf-4682-a5f7-c85dec64d746 Q1 2024 8.137 ML in Health
Scientific Reports
Title: "An Explainable Deep Learning Framework for Predicting Diabetes in Women Using Class-Balanced1D CNN Model"
Invitation from Editor: Dr Bodini
Reviewer Ref.: J6488ae17-cff1-4e28-9fb2-61ea5e69d566 Q1 2024 4.379 AI in Healthcare
Scientific Reports
Title: "Empowering Cardiovascular Diagnostics with SET-MobileNet: A Lightweight and Accurate Deep Learning Based Classification Approach"
Invitation from Editor: Dr El-Baz
Reviewer Ref.: 6a1de3a6-ada3-4297-b6b3-939a1b6fe045 Q1 2024 4.379 AI in Healthcare
Soft Computing, Springer
Title: "Transforming Psychotic Disorder Diagnosis with Deep Learning Model on Timeseries Motor Activity Signals"
Invitation from Editor: Mauro Gaggero
Reviewer Ms. No. SOCO-D-23-05517 Q2 2023 3.732 Deep Learning in Healthcare

Review Statistics (2023-2024)